5 Survival Tips for the Lukewarm VA

Are you just starting out as a virtual assistant? Still teetering between full time employment and starting your own business? You’re not alone. There are countless virtual assistants still afraid to even claim that title. Why? There’s too much at stake. They’re afraid it won’t work out. So many others already offer their services.

This is not an industry where you can be lukewarm. If you really want to be a virtual assistant, you need to shut down this way of thinking. Here are five vital thoughts I keep in mind that help me move my business forward.

Offer what you know

So many people try to beef up their websites and profiles by offering services they think people need but they aren’t actually able to provide. When you’re thinking about the services you want to offer people, always think first of the skills at which you’re strongest. Example: a lot of people struggle with WordPress and often seek a VA just for that type of assistance. Most understand the basics of WordPress, e.g. installing plugins, making posts, etc. Yet not everyone is able to truly provide support for a full website. If you can’t offer this service, definitely don’t advertise that you can. It will only hurt your reputation.

Don’t oversell

This goes hand in hand with the previous point. When you do finally decide on what you’re offering, don’t oversell or embellish your abilities. Everyone should use fun phrases and fancy words to write good copy. Yet there’s a difference between good copy and hyperbole. You shouldn’t share that you have “extensive knowledge” in Photoshop if you only just learned it six months ago. Definitely don’t lie about years of experience. You’d think that’s common sense but some people still do it. So I’m saying it here. Don’t.

Keep learning!

always keep learningKnowledge is power. Just because you’re starting your business doesn’t mean you stop learning new things. Continue to take on challenges and test your limits. Only good can come from education. You don’t have to sell your soul to pay tuition for more college courses. Online certifications work just as well to showcase your abilities. Personally, I’m a fan of Coursera, which is a great online learning source. College professors offer legitimate certification courses for very nominal fees. Others include Alison (free) and Lynda, which has been plastered on LinkedIn for the last few months.


I will never stop saying this. I’ll continue to mention networking because it’s that important. The only way your business will grow is if people know about it. Yes, marketing is a big piece of that but if you don’t have connections to get yourself started, who’s seeing your campaigns?Like they say, it’s all about who you know. Join discussion forums and LinkedIn groups, find local events, or whatever medium suits you. Just make sure you’re out there connecting with people. Don’t know where to start? Check the sidebar for links to my social media accounts. 🙂

Be committed

The most important part of starting a business is being absolutely sure that this is what you want to do. No one wants to work with a half-ass lukewarm VA. It’s just not a good look. You can’t convince clients to work with you until you convince yourself that you’re right for the job. Know what you want, be firm in your decision, and the odds will be ever in your favor.

You can always find more motivation to start, maintain, and grow your business. The virtual assistant community welcomes all with open arms. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.


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